Tuesday 24 September 2013

Denotation and Connotation


  • There are two people in the picture
  • One person is an old man, the other person is a little baby.
  • The old man has a tube through his nose.
  • They are both on a hospital bed.
  • The old man is wearing glasses.
  • They are both looking at each other.
  • This shot is a wide medium shot??


  • The two people in the picture look they are related, the baby could be the old man's great granddaughter or just granddaughter.
  • The old man has a tube in his nose could suggest that he is near death or is very ill.
  • Also they are on a hospital bed which could mean the the old man is dying and he wanted to see his granddaughter before he died.
  • Because the old man is wearing glasses, that could show that he can't see properly-that could also be the reason is is staring at the baby very intently- or he is sad that he is dying and wants to get a good look at his granddaughter. The baby is looking back because she could be fascinated by this old man looking at her or she is very scared that a weird old man is looking at her.... (maybe..)      

Monday 16 September 2013

Rock n' roll- why i would recommend it?

I would recommend Rock music because people think that rock music is just loud and people screaming all the time, but it really isn't. Sure there are those type of bands that can really break your ear drums!! But that is called heavy metal, not rock music. There are loads of stereotypes about this type of music and most of it isn't even true.
This type of music needs a very big voice and is quite pleasant to listen to, it doesn't just have fast beat but a slow beat too and can make you want to sing along. I have made quite a lot of my friends listen to this type of music (they all love it!!) and did you know that rock n' roll is at the top of the of the most listened type of music? I would recommend this to anyone who wants to give other type of music a try, because listening to the same type of music(well to me) is kind of boring and you should try something new!!!!  

Thursday 12 September 2013

The reason I choose Media as one of my GCSE was because one of the teachers told my that having a creative side to you made you stand out. Then I thought about what I should choose to have a creative that side- I thought about Art and Drama, but I can't draw and Drama just wasn't for me (even though I'm really good at it). Then I thought of Media and I had done a bit of Media in yr 7,so I knew what it was and a bit about it. Also Media has skills that don't just involve filming, but journalism and computer skills and I thought that could help my in the future, also a job in the film industry would quite good too. So then I thought that I'll pick Media as one of my GCSE subjects. :)