Monday 16 September 2013

Rock n' roll- why i would recommend it?

I would recommend Rock music because people think that rock music is just loud and people screaming all the time, but it really isn't. Sure there are those type of bands that can really break your ear drums!! But that is called heavy metal, not rock music. There are loads of stereotypes about this type of music and most of it isn't even true.
This type of music needs a very big voice and is quite pleasant to listen to, it doesn't just have fast beat but a slow beat too and can make you want to sing along. I have made quite a lot of my friends listen to this type of music (they all love it!!) and did you know that rock n' roll is at the top of the of the most listened type of music? I would recommend this to anyone who wants to give other type of music a try, because listening to the same type of music(well to me) is kind of boring and you should try something new!!!!  

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